EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE Société reserves the right to modify the information published on the site at its sole discretion and without prior notice. This site may contain links to third party sites. EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the information on these sites. The trademarks and logos displayed on this site are the property of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE.

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EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE is a simplified joint-stock company with share capital of 2 000 € (EUROS)

Mail: info@excellenceserviceplace.com,

Tel: +33 (0) 4 93 28 81 27.

N° SIRET: 985 175 231 00010

N° TVA: FR16985175231

1. Scope

1.1 The company EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE (hereinafter “EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE” or by acronym “ESP”) offers to its Clients (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Members” or individually as “Member”) private concierge services under a “Renewable Subscriptions or non-Renewable Subscriptions” contract, according to 3 packages chosen by the Members and whose characteristics are defined in Article IV hereof. In this context, as an intermediary, it connects its Members with product suppliers or service provider partners (hereinafter referred to as “Partners”).

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, which define the rights and obligations of EXECELLENCE SERVICE PLACE and its Members, apply to all Subscriptions, regardless of the chosen package, subject to their specific characteristics.

1.2 In accordance with current regulations, these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use shall be systematically communicated to any Member upon their membership, or at any time upon request, or upon any modification.

2. Conditions of Access to Services

2.1 The private concierge services provided by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE are reserved for the Member and their spouse.

To accept these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, the Member must be at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to enter into contracts.

2.2 Any registration, request or order placed, directly or indirectly, by any medium whatsoever (telephone; mail; email; fax; SMS; instant messenger such as WhatsApp, Viber, Signal, Instagram and Telegram Messenger; etc.) with the concierge services operated by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE implies the unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, which shall prevail over all other conditions, with the exception of those which have been expressly accepted by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE.

2.3.1 The telephone number(s) provided when subscribing to one of the Subscription plans offered by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE are considered to belong to the Member who subscribed to said Subscription or to one of the persons authorized by the Member to represent them – either when subscribing or by a later written act. By way of exception, if the Member sends a request using a telephone number other than the one provided under the conditions indicated above in this section, and if this request is processed by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, then this telephone number shall also be considered to belong to the Member with any legal consequences set out below. Likewise, the email address(es) provided when subscribing to one of the Subscription plans offered by EXELENCE SERVICE PLACE allow(s) us to authenticate the identity of its owner and user as the Member who subscribed to said plan.

2.3.2 Consequently, the telephone number(s) and email address(es) provided to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE under the conditions set out in point 2.3.1 hereof, from which all requests, orders and acceptances originate are considered valid for authenticating the identity of their owner and user regardless which platform is used (telephone call, SMS, instant message, etc.), without possible objection from the Member, except in the case of loss or theft and according to the following terms. The Member undertakes to inform EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, as soon as possible, of any theft or loss of their mobile phone linked to the phone number(s) provided when subscribing to the Subscription. This communication must be accompanied by a statement of loss or theft declared with the appropriate authorities. Likewise, any hacking of the Member’s mailbox(es) must be reported immediately to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE.

2.4 Each Member is responsible for their Subscription, which is strictly personal to them, and must take all necessary measures to prevent any person other than themselves or their spouse from using it in their name. By way of exception, when subscribing to one of the Subscription plans or through a subsequent written act, the Member may expressly authorise another person to use their Subscription in their name and on their behalf, subject to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE’s acceptance of this representative.

Only the Member may benefit from an order placed with EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE; orders may therefore only be transferred to a third party’s benefit with the express prior agreement of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE and, as appropriate, the Partner.

3. Terms of Membership

3.1 Renewable Subscription applications are subject to acceptance by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE. ESP reserves the right to refuse a renewable Subscription application for just cause under the terms of Article L122-1 of the Consumer Code. Non-renewable Subscription are accepted immediately after payment acceptance. EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE may cancel or suspend a non-Renewable Subscription  on its own initiative, without prior notice, if the Member violates one or more of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, uses the Subscription in an abusive or fraudulent way, or adopts a behavior that is prejudicial to the interests of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, such as the falsification of information provided to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE or to Partners.

EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE shall let the Member know if their Subscription has been accepted within 48 business hours of the application and payment acceptance.

3.2 Each Member undertakes to provide EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE with accurate information at the time of joining. Failure to provide all information requested could delay the approval of membership. EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE accepts no liability for the consequences of any incomplete, incorrect, or false information provided by the Member.

Each Member must, voluntarily and spontaneously and as soon as possible, notify EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE of any changes in their personal data.

4. Subscription Packages

4.1 EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE offers a renewable subscription or non-Renewable Subscription strictly reserved for individuals named “ESP CHIC”, “ESP GRACE” and “ESP SUBLIME”. 

Renewable or no-Renewable Subscription to the “ESP CHIC” offer entitles members, for one year starting from when it takes effect, to limited access to the private concierge services of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, Paris time, per day, 5/7 days per week, excluding public holidays. The member can also consult the “SERVICES CARD” for which billing is carried out monthly, for Renewable Subscription Member and daily for non-Renewable Subscription Member.

Renewable or non-Renewable Subscription to the “ESP GRACE” offer entitles members, for one year starting from when it takes effect, to limited access to the private concierge services of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, Paris time, per day, 7/7 days per week, excluding public holidays. The member can also consult the “SERVICE CARD” for which billing is carried out monthly, for Renewable Subscription Member and daily for non-Renewable Subscription Member.

Renewable or non-renewable Subscription to the “ESP SUBLIME” offer entitles members, for one year starting from when it takes effect, to unlimited access to the private concierge services of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, from 24/24, Paris time, per day,7/7 days per week, excluding public holidays. The member can also consult the “SERVICE CARD” for which billing is carried out monthly, for Renewable Subscription Member and daily for non-Renewable Subscription Member.

They also entitles the member to have a dedicated Concierge from EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE. The dedicated Concierge can travel to the beforehand area between Member and ESP, to the Member’s office and/or home to discuss an important project, organize a dream trip or exceptional event or, more generally, discuss service proposals.

The “ESP CHIC” offer is tied to a 12-month commitment and costs € 7 500, (taxes not included).

If a Member would like to register more than two people on their subscription, they can subscribe to an extended offer called “ESP CHIC FAMILY”.  The “ESP CHIC FAMILY” offer is tied to a 12-month commitment and invoiced at €15 000 per year, (taxes not included).

The “ESP GRACE” offer is tied to a 12-month commitment and costs € 11 500, (taxes not included).

If a Member would like to register more than two people on their subscription, they can subscribe to an extended offer called “ESP GRACE FAMILY”.  The “ESP GRACE FAMILY” offer is tied to a 12-month commitment and invoiced at € 23 000 per year, (taxes not included).

The “ESP SUBLIME” offer is tied to a 12-month commitment and costs € 20 000, (taxes not included).

If a Member would like to register more than two people on their subscription, they can subscribe to an extended offer called “ESP SUBLIME FAMILY”.  The “ESP SUBLIME FAMILY” offer is tied to a 12-month commitment and invoiced at € 40 000 per year, (taxes not included).

4.2 EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE reserves the right to periodically revise the above rates, subject to informing its Members. In this case, an email notification shall be sent to Members 3 months before the new rate goes into effect.

4.3 Regardless which renewable or no-renewable Subscription is chosen, it must be paid in one payment, at the time of membership, then every year on the anniversary date for Renewable Subscription Member. Upon receipt of the payment, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE shall inform the Member of the Subscription’s effective date by email. 

4.4 The aforementioned Subscriptions give access to the services of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE and in no case constitute the full remuneration for these services.

The Member is informed that EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE is also remunerated by commissions as a business provider to the Service Providers and may not in any capacity whatsoever and in any form whatsoever claim a benefit from these commissions. However, the Member can take advantage whenever possible of all the benefits negotiated by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE with its Partners and which are reserved only for its Members, such as hotel upgrades, free breakfasts, freebies and discounts in wellness and fitness centres, VIP welcome, etc.

4.5 A “ESP CORPORATE” subscription package reserved for Professionals is subject to a specific contract.

5. Means of Using The Services

5.1 As soon as their Subscription takes effect, the Member can submit their requests by any means (phone, SMS, fax, instant messaging using the telephone number(s) provided when subscribing to one of the Subscription plans offered by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE; emails using the email address(es) provided when subscribing to one of the Subscription plans offered by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE; etc.), under the conditions set out in Article 2.3.1 hereof.

Requests thus sent by the Member shall be processed by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE in its capacity as an intermediary between the Member and Partners. EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE performs the services with Partners in the name and on behalf of the Member under a power of attorney granted to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE by the Member. The power of attorney granted to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE is validated by the Member’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use and applies to requests made to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE by the Member and executed within the framework and in the manner stipulated herein.

5.2 Any service request (such as for jewelry purchases, car rentals and/or purchases, a private jet and/or boat, long hotel stays, private in-home chef, moving house, holiday packages, etc.) shall be subject to a price estimate submitted to the Member for approval, with the exception of dry transport services (taxis, private chauffeurs, train, airliner). However, the Member may, at any time, ask EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE for the price of a service, whatever it is. Expenses incurred with the various Partners shall be made in the name and on behalf of the Member.

5.3 Any request and acceptance made by the Member by any electronic means (phone call, SMS, fax, instant messaging such as WhatsApp, Viber, Signal, Instagram or Telegram Messenger, email, etc.) using the phone number(s) provided when subscribing to one of the Subscription plans offered by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, under the conditions specified in Article 2.3.1 hereof, shall have the same probative value as writing on paper within the meaning of Article 1366 of the French Civil Code.

5.4 Requests submitted to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE must respect the law and general morals.

EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE reserves the right not to respond to any request of an illegal nature or contrary to the law, decency and integrity.

Access to concierge products and services may be subject to restrictions with regard to some persons or countries. EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE will not process any request that breaches the law in force in the country of performance.

5.5 Requests involving services or invoices in excess of €50 shall only be carried out with the Member’s written or verbal approval at the request of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE. The Member therefore expressly accepts that electronic documents (telephone, SMS, fax, instant messaging using the number(s) provided when subscribing to one of the Subscription plans offered by EXCELLENCE SERVVICE PLACE; emails, etc. under the conditions specified in Article 2.3.1 hereof may serve as proof of their acceptance, within the meaning of Article 1366 of the French Civil Code.

5.6 Orders submitted to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE are understood to be contingent on the availability of Partners.

In the event that a service is unavailable, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE undertakes to make every effort to offer an equivalent service.

In the event that the Member does not accept the equivalent service proposal, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE shall cancel the request outright, without the Member being able to claim any compensation of any kind whatsoever for this reason.

5.7 EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE shall communicate with Partners on behalf of the Member.

5.8 Thanks to their Subscription, the Member has access to a large number of advantages and benefits negotiated with the Partners selected by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE. Partners are nevertheless free to amend their Commercial Terms and Conditions at any time and EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE accepts no liability for changes made.

6. Payment

6.1 Products and services purchased from Partners shall be invoiced directly to the Member by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE.

The Member may ask and authorize EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE to use their payment card remotely to pay for a Partner’s product or service directly.

By providing the details of their bank card, the Member authorizes the Supplier to debit their bank card at the proper time and at the pre-agreed rate. For this purpose, the Member confirms that they are the holder of the bank card to be debited and that the name on the card is actually theirs.

The Member undertakes to carry out all necessary measures with their Bank(s) in order to add EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE to a list of trusted beneficiaries, as provided for in Article 13 of Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2018/389 of the European Commission from November 27, 2017.

6.2 Approval by the Member – or by one of the persons authorized by the Member – carried out by any means (telephone, SMS, fax, instant messaging using the telephone number(s) provided when subscribing to one of the Subscription plans offered by, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE emails using the email address(es) provided when subscribing to one of the subscription plans offered by; e EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE etc. under the conditions specified in Article 2.3 hereof)  – of the proposal sent by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE in response to their request equates to acceptance that the amount of the order will be debited from the Member’s payment card.

The Member must ensure that the payment card’s details are correct and that they have funds available in their bank account to cover payment for the services and/or products ordered. In the event that it is impossible to debit the price, the sale shall immediately be rescinded by operation of law and the order cancelled.

6.3 Once the order is approved, the Member undertakes to pay for the ordered services and/or products upon receiving the invoice. In the event of late payment, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE accepts no liability for changes in the availability or prices of ordered products and/or services.

6.4 In the event of late payment, penalties may be applied, either by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, at a 12% annual rate, calculated on a monthly basis, or by the Partner in question, on the basis of its own General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use.

6.5 In the event that EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE is required to make an advance payment for an order for services or products, whatever they are, and for any reason whatsoever, in the name and on behalf of one of its Members, additional fees (corresponding to bank charges, credit card fees, insurance, management fees, processing fees) shall be applied to the order total excluding VAT. The Member undertakes to reimburse EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, upon first request, the amount of the order as well as all costs incurred. The Member may at any time request how many fees have been charged to them.

6.6 In the event of non-payment of the Subscription and/or any other invoice within the agreed deadlines, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE is entitled to send the Member a letter of formal notice to pay within 8 days of the initial submission of the registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

If, despite this formal notice, the Member does not pay their Subscription and/or invoice, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE may then terminate the Subscription without further formalities. This termination may not give rise to any request for reimbursement or payment of any compensation in favour of the outgoing Member.

Should the Member fail to pay, their Subscription to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE services shall be suspended as of the 9th day following said formal notice. As a result, the Member shall no longer have access to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE’ services until full payment of the Subscription.

Unpaid Subscription invoices shall remain due in full, and EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE reserves the right to take legal action against the Member by any legal means to obtain their payment and is entitled to demand, by way of penalty, an indemnity equal to 15% of the sums due, plus statutory interest and any legal fees.

In addition, it is recalled that for professional Members, pursuant to Articles D. 441-6 and D. 441-5 of the French Commercial Code, any delay in payment entails, in addition to penalties for late payment, an obligation for the debtor to pay a lump sum indemnity of €40 for collection costs.

6.7 In the event of failure to make use of the services relating to a Renewable Subscription and non-Renewable Subscription, no reimbursement of the Subscription may be demanded.

7. Special Services

7.1 Shopping: At the Member’s request, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE may make purchases in their name. In this case, shopping fees and shipping costs shall be applied.

7.2 Restaurants and Clubs: For some club and restaurant bookings, the Member authorises EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE to use their payment card to guarantee the bookings.

7.3 Ticketing: EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE undertakes to carry out its best efforts to satisfy the Member’s ticket requests for all events with its Partners.

In the case where the event is sold out with traditional ticket outlets, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE may call upon specialist suppliers. Consequently, the prices offered may change at any time and may differ from the face value stated on the tickets, owing to the additional cost of agency, handling and/or administration fees.

Any confirmed booking request is firm and final. Consequently, booked seats cannot be cancelled, postponed, modified, exchanged, or reimbursed.

The Member is required to check the date and time of the show or event, since the producer or organizer may change them without warning.

EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE is not liable for tickets that are lost or sent to the wrong place by the postal service.

Likewise, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable for the cancellation or postponement of a show or event. In the event of cancellation or postponement by the artist, producer or organizer, whatever the circumstances, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE cannot be required to pay back the face value of the tickets, subject to reimbursement being obtained from the producer or organiser.

7.4 Taxis/Private Chauffeurs: In the event that the Member misses the appointment scheduled at the time of the order and, more generally, if the taxi or private chauffeur is not paid a fare because of the Member (“no fare”), the latter shall be liable for the amount of the fare, unless a more favourable agreement has been obtained by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE with the Partner.

8. Obligations of Excellence Service Place

8.1 EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE undertakes to respond to the requests submitted by the Member, whatever they may be, in a minimum of time and undertakes to provide its advice in relation thereto.

8.2 EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE acts as an intermediary and takes responsibility for representing the Member in relations with Partners.

8.3 Owing to the very nature of its activity, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE has an obligation in terms of means rather than results.

9. Liability

9.1 The Member acknowledges and accepts that EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE will act in accordance with the wishes expressed to it in the requests that they send.

EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE therefore accepts no liability in the event of an error that originates with the Member in any way.

EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE takes the utmost care in choosing and selecting its Partners. However, it may not be held liable for a Partner’s actions. EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE is authorized to cancel or reject any orders from Members with which there is a dispute.

9.2 EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, acting as an intermediary with an obligation of means, cannot incur, regardless of the reason, any indemnity of any kind whatsoever, relating to the products or services ordered on behalf of its Members. Consequently, any request for compensation or any other request for restitution relating to the product or service ordered through EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE must be addressed to the Partner in question, which shall review its merits and assume liability for it. However, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE shall provide help and assistance to the Member(s) in the context of their relationship with the Partner.

EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE accepts no liability for non-performance of its obligations in the event of force majeure (civil unrest; transportation, communication or postal service strike; flood; fire; computer crash; political crisis; military conflict and pandemic etc.), as defined by the Civil Code and the courts.

9.3 Given its role as an intermediary, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE may not be held liable for the total or partial non-performance of services ordered from Partners in the name and on behalf of the Member. In addition, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE cannot, in accordance with legal provisions, guarantee the Member against any lack of compliance of the goods or any hidden defect, resulting from a flaw in designing or producing the goods supplied by a Partner and which render them unfit for the use for which they were intended. In the event of a claim of any nature, the Member shall contact the Partners in question directly.

9.4 In any event, the liability of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE shall be limited to the total Subscription fees for the service at the time of the dispute. 

9.5 In the event of failure to respect these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, the Member may be held liable.

10. Confidentiality and Personal Data Protection

The data collected at the time of registration – such as name, address, telephone number, email address and bank details – is kept with the Member’s authorization and shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of this Article and applicable legislation in this area.

EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE undertakes to respect scrupulously the trust that its Members grant to it and to guarantee a strict confidentiality of information and data to which it has access within the context of performing its duties.

In accordance with its ethics and morals, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE protects any personal data that its Members may provide within the context of their Subscription.

Such personal data is reserved for strictly internal use (management of orders, deliveries or invoicing; monitoring of solvency; and any form of internal market research or personalized advertising). In accordance with the law and the law and the requirements of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL), EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE keeps this information under the statutory conditions. 

Personal information that is collected will be kept as long as necessary until the end of the Subscription’s duration as subscribed to by the Member, unless: a) a longer retention period is authorized or imposed by a legal or regulatory provision; b) the Member has exercised one of their rights as recognized by law.

In all cases, the Member’s personal data will be kept for a period no longer than 36 months from the end date of the last Subscription taken out by the Member.

Access to Members’ personal data is strictly limited to v staff that are authorized to process it as part of their professional duties. Personal data is only used for the purposes for which Members have provided it.

Such personal data is reserved for strictly internal use (management of orders, deliveries or invoicing; monitoring of solvency; and any form of internal market research or personalized advertising). EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE undertakes not to sell, rent, assign or give access to third parties to data without the Member’s prior consent, unless it is forced to do so for a legitimate reason constituted by a legal or judicial requirement (legal obligation, fight against fraud or abuse, exercising rights of the defense, etc.).

However, the Member authorizes EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE to share their personal information with Partners of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE if this is necessary for order management, delivery, billing, credit monitoring or any internal marketing and personalized advertising analysis. In the event that the Member exercises their right of access, rectification, erasure, limitation, portability or opposition to the processing of their data for a legitimate reason, the relevant Partners will be notified of this.

In accordance with Article 27 of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended, relating to information technology, data files and civil liberties, and European Regulation No. 2016/679/EU of April 27, 2016 (applicable as of May 25, 2018), Members have a right of access, rectification, erasure, limitation and portability, as well as a right of opposition to the processing of this data for a legitimate reason.

These rights may be exercised by Members, proving their identity, by one of the following means:

– by writing to the following address: 8 rue du GRAND PIN, 06100, NICE;

– by telephone at 04 93 28 81 27 (Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and public holidays from 9:00 Am to 12:00 Am; closed on Sunday), non-surcharged call.

For any additional information or to lodge a complaint, Members can contact the National Data Protection Commission.

11. Duration

The Subscription has a duration of 12 months and is automatically renewed on each anniversary date of the only renewable Subscription Member for a duration of one year, until the Member ends their Subscription. The Member hereby accepts that, in the event of the tacit renewal of their membership, it shall be under the conditions in force on the date of this contract’s expiry, except when there is a special offer.

By accepting the tacit renewal of their Subscription, the Member authorizes EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE to debit the amount of the new Subscription from their account. The non-renewable Subscription Member can ask ESP to renewal his subscription for a duration of 12 months. By accepting the renewal of their Subscription, the Member authorizes EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE to debit the amount of the new Subscription from their account.

12. Withdrawal, Cancellation, Suspension

12.1 In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code, the Member has a period of fourteen (14) clear days to assert their right to withdraw from EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, starting from the day after the Member receives confirmation from EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE that their Subscription has entered into effect.

When the period of fourteen (14) days ends on a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or non-working day, it shall be extended until the next business day. There is no need to give reasons when exercising the right to withdrawal and there is no charge, except, where applicable, the cost of returning documents and materials (gift set, card, brochure, etc.) if already sent by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE.

Such withdrawal shall give rise to reimbursement of the Subscription that the Member has already paid.

12.2 EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE may cancel or suspend a Renewable Subscription or non-Renewable Subscription on its own initiative, without prior notice, if the Member violates one or more of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, uses the Subscription in an abusive or fraudulent way, or adopts a behavior that is prejudicial to the interests of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, such as the falsification of information provided to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE or to Partners.

In this case, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE reserves the right to refund or not refund the Member prorata temporis for the amount of the Subscription not used or, as appropriate, to suspend monthly payments. No indemnification may be demanded from it.

13. Termination

Each party may terminate the Renewable Subscription, on the anniversary date, and ipso jure, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, with 30 days’ notice. However, if the Member cancels the Renewable Subscription in these conditions, after the service’s organization has begun, it is expressly agreed between the parties that the Member agrees to pay for the service.

The parties shall have the option of terminating the Contract ipso jure if the other party fails to comply with its contractual obligations, and 15 days after issuing a formal notice sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the defaulting party, stipulating the violation, has remained without effect.

14. Defamation

Pursuant to the law of 29 July 1881, EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE reserves the right to take legal action against any person who insults or defames it. Action may be brought in respect of any allegation or accusation that could harm the honor or standing of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, whether made directly or by means of reproduction.

15. Protection of the Brand and Rights of Excellence Service Place

15.1 The EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE brand and all trademarks, figurative or otherwise, and, more generally, all other trademarks, illustrations, images and logos used in relations with the Member, registered or otherwise, are and shall remain the exclusive property of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, modification or use of these trademarks, illustrations, images and logos, for any reason and on any medium whatsoever, without the express prior agreement of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, is strictly forbidden. The same is true for any combination or linking of any other trademark, symbol, logo or, more generally, distinctive mark intended to form a composite logo. The same is true for any intellectual property rights, design, model or patent owned by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE.

15.2 The Member undertakes to make personal and not commercial use of the information included in the documents and on the website distributed by EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE may cancel or suspend a renewable Subscription or non-renewable Subscription on its own initiative, without prior notice, if the Member violates one or more of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, uses the Subscription in an abusive or fraudulent way, or adopts a behavior that is prejudicial to the interests of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, such as the falsification of information provided to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE or to Partners.

16. Disputes and Applicable Law

16.1 The law applicable to contractual relations between EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE and its Members is exclusively French law.

16.2 In the event of a dispute, the Member and EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE may cancel or suspend a renewable Subscription or non-renewable Subscription on its own initiative, without prior notice, if the Member violates one or more of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, uses the Subscription in an abusive or fraudulent way, or adopts a behavior that is prejudicial to the interests of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE, such as the falsification of information provided to EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE or to Partners.

 shall endeavor in good faith to find an amicable solution. In the absence of an amicable resolution, any dispute about the validity, interpretation or enforcement of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use shall be brought before the French courts, which are hereby expressly given exclusive competence.

17. Acceptance of the Member

17.1 These Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use are expressly approved and accepted by the Member, who declares and recognizes having a perfect knowledge of them, and gives up, thereby, the right to invoke any contradictory document, including their own terms and conditions of purchase, which are unenforceable against the Provider, even if it is aware of them.

17.2 Any abstention on the part of EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE to invoke a clause of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use may not be regarded as an implicit waiver of said clause.

17.3 Should one of the provisions hereof become invalid, unenforceable, lapsed, illegal or inapplicable, that fact shall in no case call into question the validity of the other provisions.

17.4 EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE reserves the right to adapt or amend these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use at any time. In this case, it shall inform the Members with a notice period of 3 months.

18. Electronic Signature

EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE allows you to electronically sign the subscription documents for these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use as well as the Renewable Subscription or non-Renewable Subscription contract. Electronically signed documents have the same legal value as a document signed on paper.

19. Legal Information

EXCELLENCE SERVICE PLACE is a simplified public limited company with capital of €2,000. It is registered in the Register of Travel and Stay Operators of Atout France, 79/81 rue de Clichy PARIS 75009. In this capacity, it holds a Civil and Professional Liability Insurance policy from HISCOX EUROPE UNDERWRITING LIMITED, 19 rue Louis Legrand, PARIS 75002 and has a Financial Guarantee from ASPT, 15 Avenue Carnot, 75017 PARIS.